понедельник, 19 июля 2010
u.115.com/file/f55062754c - как обычно, по зелёной стрелочке.
www.sendspace.com/file/eqfml3впечатления.. *осторожно*ЕБААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА..!!!!!!!!!!
простите, но у меня не осталось приличных слов, валяюсь где-то на полу с пеной у рта в оргазменных конвульсиях!...
*адекват закончился*UPD.: Перевод на английский:
читать дальшеp1
middle text: The Series Continues!!
#: This is the last time we confirm this, Pledge Queen!!
#: I will take command of our operation!!
#: Yes!!
#: And we definitely won't get separated!!
#: Yes!!!
txt: In order to win, the Goddesses descend!!
#: We will go straight into the depths of the ship,
//: straight to the "core"
#: Yes!!
#: I'm gonna go too!!
#: Emily-chan... I mean...
//: president!!?
#: Why did you come with us?
//: If by any chance something were to happen...
#(near kururu): The world would go into panic...
#(top left): Uwahh! It's Cold!! The floor's so cold!
#(bottom left): What's this!?
#: I know the most about the structure of this ship... you need someone to direct you, right?
//: And... I made sure to leave my body behind.
#: As expected!! I'm impressed!!
//: For the president himself to come out to the front lines and defeat the enemies!!
#: This is Independence Day!!
#: EHHH!?
//: But wait, that only happens in the movies!!
//: And we're up against aliens, you know!?
The "storm" that is born on this ship
will destroy the stinking old world!!
#: As the head of the country that represents this planet,
//: As the person who bears the burden of the future of that country, I cannot turn back on this battle!
#: So that when the children of this world call my name,
//: they will smile and call me "FUNKY FRESH!"!!
#: Amazing!! President!! So cool!!!
#: I didn't believe it... but to think you were really inside that girl...
//: If you're here to give a speech, then go back to your country and do it.
#: Not that... I'd let you go back.
#: Guhh...!??
#: What...!?
#: It's quiz.
#: Do you know how many strings there are on a guitar?
#: The answer is 6.
#: Six
#: knives of "sound" that will slice you up.
#: What's this...!?
#: No way!? ...This the same as mine...
#: Then how about I ask you a question as well.
#: How many sound claws do you think are in this "chant" Merlin?
#: Run!!
#: Yes!!
#: This way!! There's an elevator leading underground up ahead!!
#: Haha!!
#: It's so hot.
#: Would you like to hold
//: this "grail" Morrigan?
#: ...Seriously,
//: this is why I hate foreigners...
#: My bike...
#: If you're gonna take your clothes off, you should at least do it more gracefully.
txt: In order to make the "Storm Regalia",
Sumeragi Kururu heads into the depths of the ship!!
Жаль, что я пытаясь быть культурной, не могу выразить все свои эмоции(