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#: A pill to make you feel better,
#: which one would you use?
box: DIG (formerly Behemoth)
Cyclops Hammer
Bando Mitsuru
txt: It's an all-out war!
Everyone is here!!
ikki: Hammer!!
bando: Isn't it a bit unreasonable for a single team to raid an entire aircraft carrier?
bando: Well... I guess it's something you guys would do.
inu: I heard everything, my friend!!
inu: Use my life to burn the flames of justice!!
ikki: Old man Inuyama!!
box: Rez Boa Dogs
gonzo: I can't have you dying... before you pay off the bills for my store...
ikki: The bull-man who always gives our team free costumes!
ikki: I told you to stop talking about the bills!!
outside: I'm gonna kill you!
box: Kintetsu Bulls
box: Killer Bee
(Former Behemoth Goshogawara Faction)
Goshogawara Fuumei
ikki: The bee man!!
potem: We surrender ourselves to Kogarasumaru!!
//: Our orders, sir!!
bg: We will serve you
bg: to the best of our ability!!
ikki: The octuplets on battleship island!!
box: Potemkin
Eight Brothers
hanged: ...umm...
//: yeah... that...
hanged: Upuhh.
box: Hanged Man
ikki: Who's that!? He's drunk!
ikki: The old man with the huge fist!
mech: Umu.
mech: You should know that protecting kids is an enjoyment for adults.
box: White Wolf Clan
Mechanical Specialist
falco: This outfit stinks...
//: it's been in locked in my drawer this whole time.
box: Former Sleeping Forest
ikki: The "~dawa" man!!
TL Note: Falco tends to end his sentences in ~dawa.
ikki: Everyone...
#: What're you doing here?
#: Okay then... let's go home...
#: We've travelled at supersonic speeds,
//: and seen the aircraft carrier...
#: Ahhh! Just kidding!
//: Time out! That one didn't count!!
#: Nice work making your way here, my servants!!
#: Now become by shields and die!!!
#: Hey!!
#: You bunch of idiots!!!
#: ...It's just as the crow said. What're we doing here?
#: Ants like us with a battle level of 80... do you really think we can do something?
#: You're all gonna die...
#: now disappear!!
#: You're so kind, kiddo.
#: Whoa!!?
#: The "flames"...
#: are nullifying
#: Nue's "thunder"...!!
#: Even Indian elephants will die when swarmed by ants...
#: Did you know that?
#: che... you're a tough one...
#: Look... even those little kids are starting to worry about you.
#: ...you gotta to be dreaming, old hag...
#: Thunder Road
#: direct current
#: And elephant can defeat an ant too, you know...
//: but unfortunately, we "gravity children" half-assed living like them...!!
#: Eh..?
#: What the...!?
#: Snow...?
TL Note: OMG...
Top right diagram:
title: Circuit Diagram
box: Metal A
box: Metal B
centre: Flow of the current
right arrow: Heat absorption
left arrow: Heat emission
explanation below: Surrounding heat is absorbed when more energy is required for the current to travel through metal B compared to metal A. Heat is then emitted when the current travels back into metal A.
title: Peltier Cooling
explanation: The transferal of heat when a current is sent through two different metals. This refrigeration system is called the "Peltier effect".
left diagram:
bubble at top: Heat emitted when passing through the different metal.
bubble at bottom: Heat absorbed when passing through the different metal.
on the battery: Battery
2 bubbles with one character: Heat
bottom left of frame: Current, carrying electron and electron holes.
#: Dawa!?
#: This aircraft carrier is a "lump of metal" made of all kinds of materials...!!
#: He's using the coolant on board the aircraft carrier itself,
#: and stealing all the surrounding "heat" and sending it into the ocean...!!
#: Did you really think
//: that "flame" from that toy of yours, would effect our trick!?
#: Thunder Road
#: Final Form
#: Electric Titan
#: "Thunderbolt Snowman"
#: Wha...!?
#: What's that!!?
//: It's huge!!
#: and cute~
#: I want one~
#: Just as planned, those guys that landed before us
//: have gotten the "Thunder King's" attention...
#: But no one in "Tool Toul To" knows how to ride an TT...
#: it's gonna be tough to get these them down there.
#: Benkei-san and I will go down first and join the fight...
//: and once the deck is cleared, everyone else will come down... that is the safest way.
#: I guess it's up to you what we're gonna do,
#: the "Thorn Queen", Crazy Apple.
#: Ikki-kun... no,
//: the "storm king's" AT is already dead.
#: There's no way he'd be able to fight evenly with the "Thunder King".
#: ...Kururu-chan...
#: From now on,
#: please call me the "Pledge Queen".
#: We'll be okay!! We're prepared for what's to come!!
#: Let us go down to the carrier right away!!
//: We don't have time!!
#: Okay!!
#: Yeah...
//: show them what we've got!!
#: A woman's power!!
#: Let's go!
#: And make a storm!
txt: And now, all the actors and actresses are on stage!!
Это особенно по Ринго видно
ЗЫ: Повешеный нажрался Т___Т неужели мы опять не увидим его в бою? или может у него свой особы пьяный путь?))))
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