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Грейтушка точно читает фанатские трэды на фан-форумах...
чувак... ну мы же просто стебались... блёёёёёёёёё
txt: In order prevent the Rika she admires from being brainwashed, the courageous girl faces the full-power of the perverted pig...!!
#: ...No...!!
#: If... I lose here...
#: Then she'll...!!
#: Huh... Don't worry.
//: Once you wake up again, you'll literally feel reborn.
#: Goodbye,
//: Rika.
bg: Is that all he has...!?
#: What!!?
//: If you wanna see me naked so badly, then look all you want!!
small: Sorry that I'm so skinny though!
bg: He... stopped... moving...!?
#: I...
//: I get it...!!
feel nothing
from women who have lost their shame...!!
#: ...!? What's the meaning this? Come and get me!
#: I've just lose my clothes... Let's start round two!
#: What's wrong with you!? Come on!!
#: Stand up!! hey!!
This could work... This could really work, Princess Sarome...!!
Having lost his ero-power, he's just a useless pig with a battle level of 30...
#: ...What...?
#: St...
#: Stop saying that!!
#: That's not true!!
#: I... I just...
//: umm...
#: ahh...
#: No...
#: Don't... say anymore...
#: Ahh! No!! That's enough!
//: That's enough!!
//: Please wait a moment, Buta-dono!! It's our loss!
#: Please don't attack the princess any further!!
#: That passage leads to the ship's "core"!
#: Now hurry!! you still make it! The truth is that...
#: ...Ah?
//: Rike-nee is...!?
#: Eh...?
#: Saro-...
#: Sarome... You were the one that told me to treat that body like one of the gravity children's...
#: You're "scrapped".
#: Addajaja... san
//: ...I'm... sorry...
#: I wanted to dye your heart myself... before your heart was to be dyed black.
#: But my own "power"... wasn't enough to do that.
#: Al-Burooj Adh-Dhariyat!
#: Alpha-Gel Ah Shams Al Infedahl
#: Whoa!?
#: What... is this!? You had such an amazing trick...!?
#: Buta-san!! Get out of here... now...!!
#: Take care of...
//: Rika-san...!!
#: Just kidding <3
small(right): Although,
small(left): it really was my first time seeing it~~
#: Huh...? Where's the pig...?
#: You're really quick at running... not that it matters though...
//: "hunting" wouldn't be as fun if the prey was stupid.
#: Nghh!!
above nike: Ouch...
#: Hey... pig...
//: I can't let you die peacefully anyore after that...
#: Im...
bg: Come on, imagine!!
#: agine...!!
Standing there...
isn't some narrow eyes macho...!!
#: Im...
bg1: Standing there...
bg2: is...!!
#: agine...!!
txt right: Ishiwatari-san, the school idol
txt left: who's for some reason, has come to my room to play!!
girl: Onigiri-kun,
//: is this okay?
lower left corner: It's much hotter to imagine someone closer to you!!
#: Huh...?
#: You're too violent
#: with the elderly, with girls and with my heart.
#: Suffer the consequences with that body of yours.
#: My anger's about to explode, you know?
txt: He changes his pure rage into impure power, and challenges the ultimate evil!
Я теперь не то что не буду пытаться предсказать сюжет Гира, но даже и смеяться над казалось бы бредовыми идеями больше не буду.
Девушку очень жалко т.т Зачем ей этот мудак шею свернул(
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