[Daisy a.k.a. Alexandra] [У меня есть огнетушитель и я не побоюсь его использовать] [соберу и покрашу] [THE DROT]
UPD.: Японские сканы от Rena-chan: www.megaupload.com/?d=0IUY1GT9

Ну для большинства что китайский, что японский - одна фигня, так что)))
hotpic.sky-fire.com/AllComic/Browser.html?c=67&... - прочитать посмотреть он-лайн
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- зеркало раз www.sendspace.com/file/56fr0d
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UPD.-II: Summary by Suarhnir @ mangahelpers.
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@темы: Манга, Ссылки

16.06.2010 в 19:47

Вау, спасибо!
А я чёт, когда обычно в поисках новых глав захожу на кит.сайты, то там ещё не появляется новых глав XD
16.06.2010 в 19:49

[Daisy a.k.a. Alexandra] [У меня есть огнетушитель и я не побоюсь его использовать] [соберу и покрашу] [THE DROT]
Хелл-сама - я первый раз общаюсь с китайскими сканами, в этот раз просто нагло попёрто у кого-то, кто тоже нагло попёр))))
16.06.2010 в 19:50

Uncle Minami, ыыы... А я уже где-то почти год ошиваюсь переодически на китайских онлайн-сайтах с мангой и форумах XD
16.06.2010 в 20:52

ポン! (-o- )ノ ≡圀 圀圀
Первая страница прекрасна *-*
Кирдык Агито)
28.06.2010 в 00:19

[Daisy a.k.a. Alexandra] [У меня есть огнетушитель и я не побоюсь его использовать] [соберу и покрашу] [THE DROT]
I'll go anywhere, as long as I'm with you, // even to the end of the world!

txt: His body carries the regalia - Arthur, the Rumble King!! What's the secret behind this overwhelming power!?

#: Kahh...
bg: I can't believe it... his entire body...
bg: is his regalia...!!

#: I just managed to counter that with my own "fang"...
#: but... I seriously could've died there...

#: The wind's...

#: haha...
#: Shalott.. // I can feel the wind going through me...

#: It feels so good...

bg: ...it's just like...

bg: what I told you...
#: It's as if
#: I'm flying...
bg: that time...

#: How long are you gonna stay crawled up there like that?

#: If you like the ground so much then how about I bury you in it right now!? // One, two, three, okay!

#: ...Stand up, Arthur.
#: ...otherwise you'll be "disposed".

#: zeh.
#: zehh..
#: ahaa..

#: I'm a... human... // not some part...!!

#: Then who don't you break already.
#: Hoehhh!!

#: ...wait. Arthur's feeling sick right now.
#: ...who're you? get outta here. // or rather, what's with that hair? It's so dreary.

#: *cough*

#: Ahh... Mr. Nike,
#: Isn't it about time for you to contact Mr. Sora? // Yeah, about that thing... umm... I think we're having a meeting about it this weekend.
#: Huhh? ...he said that...?

#: ...seriously, this is such annoying. // Does he really need to ask me everything?

#: Are you stupid? // If you wanna kill yourself, do it somewhere I can't see next time.

#: I... know...
#: Uhii.
#: that we "gravity children" were made to be parts of the "Sky Regalia"... // I know that... I know that but...

#: I'm
#: jealous of the fish.

#: Even though they get eaten, they become a part of the bird and can fly.

#: I'm not scared of dying... // I'm scared of being thrown away like an object...

#: You really are... disgusting.
#: Stop thinking the same things as me.

#: ...ah?

#: Huh... don't just jump in out of nowhere.

#: Are you crazy... disposing of yourself by covering for this "defect"? // well.. I knew this was gonna happen one day.
#: Sha...
#: Shalott!! // Shalott!!!

#: What?

#: ...Captain.

#: Bring those two... to me...
#: ...doctor Minami...

#: Shalott!
#: Shalott!
#: Shalott!

#: ...Are you awake, Shalott?
#: ...that's good.

#: That was a huge operation.
#: Even doctor Minami said there was only a 10% chance of success... // but it's amazing... as I thought, you're strong.

#: Most of your internal organs were destroyed,
#: so I transplanted all of mine.

#: They said that it was only possible because we're gravity children.

#: But if this tube is removed,
#: my body will rot from urea and lack of oxygen in about 30 minutes...

#: This is the first time since I was born
#: that I feel like I actually belong somewhere.

#: As long as I'm part of you,
#: I'm happy.

#: This... this is the worst...
#: You mean I have to get rid of all that rotting and dirty crap that's inside you?
#: That's right! You and I are one. // Whether it be in the bath, to the toilet, we're together for life!

#: Don't get carried away! // You parasite!!
#: Ahhh

#: ...hmph.

#: ...well... // I'll deal with it.

#: Because this blood flowing from you
#: is warm and feels nice.

#: This is bad...
#: I... I can't dodge the next one...
bg: That regalia...
bg: can amplify the energy from my "fangs"... huh?

#: You understand, right? If only you weren't in the way, // I would've been able to become the rumble king.
#: Take // responsibility.

#: Promise me,
#: that you'll become the strongest "king"!!

bg: YES!!
bg: I swear by it, master!!!

#: ... // These guys...

#: they're strong...!!

bg: I will protect you
bg: my entire life!!

txt: A beautifully intertwined relationship gives birth to a flashing attack! The fang king... falls...!?


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