Не прошло и года - анлейт от Franky House:
Вообще, буквально вот-вот должен выйти анлейт от Franky House, но пока его нет - побалую найденными спойлерами на японском и в маленьком качестве:Наконец-то появились равки.
www.megaupload.com/?d=U69OHHOA спасибо Rena Chan.
Саммари by Suarhnir:
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-the orca tosses buccha up a bit in a somewhat playful manner. orca is depressed at being stuck down in the tank by nike, because he really wanted to fight against agito again (so this may imply that the opponents were matched up before hand like some of us suspected instead of it being purely random). buccha can't take being tossed around and does a propelled head butt called "hammered death" on the orca. this gets orca's attention, as buccha asks if orca is his opponent.
-orca is acting childish and recalls seeing buccha's info in the file on koga (apparently buccha is labelled as 'pig' in the file). buccha also recalls orca from agito. orca introduces himself, "welkin getorix" (vercingetorix prounounced differently and broken apart). buccha starts going into a sight mode of sorts, but wasn't able to see orca's attack. the orcas in the tank start closing in but orca holds them back. there's something about a food chain in here that i'm skipping over...
-orca attacks again, and buccha is unable to defend or evade. buccha decides to switch modes and does a 'reversal flow' and evades orca's next attack. soon after he is hit hard. buccha reveals himself, look much different... he's altered the excess blood flow into his legs giving him greatly increased speed. he suddenly appears behind orca at the last page...
Буча, ты ли это? =_=
И да, напомните мне - какого пола Орка?
Орка вроде всегда был мальчиком) Хотя сейчас он ещё больше на девчонку похож, это да >_<
Ну я всю мангу на англ читала, а в англ по глаголам трудно понять мальчик или девочка. Да и я просто не помню уже =_=
Черт с ним, с Оркой) Ай да Бучча!))
Все так апгрейдятся, что мне теперь страшно представить, что же такое Онигири сможет забабахать О_О