UPD.: английский перевод от Franky House
www.megaupload.com/?d=9VDCO3O5Спасибо Raw Paradise!
hotfile.com/dl/36203392/c9a004a/Air274.zip.htmlсаммари как обычно" - koga realizes that they left behind kazu... and sano is peeved that no one else seems to have realized this fact until after he's long gone. though it seems that they all have actually back tracked to find kazu, finding evidence of that bubblegum stuff that kazu got trapped in.
- agito suggest going back to find kazu, but buccha suggest pushing forward. aeon supports agito, while onigiri supports buccha on this matter. they argue as to why they chose their decision and in the end, buccha and onigiri say that they believe in kazu. aeon and agito finally agree and koga moves on further.
- before they get too far, agito stops the group, asking why there's such a right turn in this area... agito sees a path going forward instead of just right, but no one else saw that (which is why they turned and agito stopped). agito is trying to figure out why he's the only one to notice the straight path, but admits that he didn't notice it till they got this close... he's sniffing and can sense another person there... agito acknowledges the rider's presence and asks for his name. this rider is "arthur of the mirror"
- agito and arthur attack, but agito notices something in the midst of that attack... and arthur seems to be enjoying the pain from the attack he took from agito... the final caption points out a sadist vs. masochist battle starting~"
Ар-ар-арррр-турррр! Какой прелестный мазохист! :3
Бой садиста и мазохиста - это будет интересно х)
Вот мне тоже кажется, что это будет круто) Весело по крайней мере))
Весело точно, а круто предполагаю) Да и дизаин мазохиста мне понравился.
На 44 скане, верхняя панель - я раньше как-то не обращала внимания, но Агито ну очень мелкий. Он часам по пояс.
ой, я даже внимания не обратила... что-то грейтушка малость перестарался ^^ у Сано рост 186, у Агито - 143-145 (точно не помню), разница конечно немаленькая получается, но всё равно много вато ^^" Да Бучча с Онигири тоже нарисованы дайбоже =__="
Да Бучча с Онигири тоже нарисованы дайбоже =__="
Мда уж....