UPD.-III: английский перевод от Franky House
hotfile.com/dl/33886246/1f1817e/Air272.zip.htmlОписание на английском:Описание на английском: "Sora is doing something with his cybernetic legs and the clock tower signals out the time? in regards to the shutters. kiric, is in his library and mikan comes over stating the obvious of how their battle is in 2 hours. she asks kiric something, but kiric clarifies something... the other sf members convene in the library and discuss something
- on the aircraft carrier, nike approaches rika to show her some video feeds... but he pulls up the wrong file and you see pics of simca instead which doesn't do anything to impress rika. even nike is embarrassed at this and had meant to show the feed of nue and ikki fighting (note that the clip is from earlier in the fight). nike says that its simply a test (ikki's fight against nue?) which rika asks what if koga passes this 'test' and nike is amused at her optomistic query... nike clarifies that this 'test' is gonna be against 58 grav kids (i'm assuming that he is including nue's kids which i would guess account for 15-ish of that number). at this point rika is stunned.. the rest i can't really make out...
-sora is finished touching up his legs and pyon talks with him about it...
to be clear... rika is still in the line of fire to those drills and cutters. nike is standing in front of her because there's still a gap between. he has not stopped the device nor moved her out of the way. it also seems like rika is not on sora's side from her reactions... there seems to be something up with kiric that the other grav kids are worried about (not too sure on this). i'll post a new summary when a better quality turns up"UPD.: HQ качать тут:
hotfile.com/dl/33934297/400ae26/Air272.zip.htmlСпасибо Raw Paradise как всегда)
UPD.-II: Более полное саммари by Suarhnir:
читать дальше- sora is tweaking his legs while singing a little tune, the clock now says 10 pm, and does that nifty light up and led from the clock tower... inside the tower area, kiric is in his very kick-ass library/study (how cool would that be to have the book shelves move instead of you). mikan is there and states the time and how long till their own match... mikan wonders about the situation given that the people heading to the aircraft carrier is out of their communication reach (since the jammer is in place). kiric reprimands mikan for asking something irrelevant to which mikan lightheartedly apologizes since he's right. kiric states that they will be waiting without working a fuss until it reaches midnight. and they will defeat sora at that time.
- kiric further elaborates that nothing will change with what they will do even if not everyone returns from the aircraft carrier... (kiric was reading the ag version of the kabbalah...) nina (the gal in the suit... as identified by bandage head) adds in how kiric is the sorta the type to not even bat an eye if all of them were torn to pieces right in front of him... she adds a bit more on that train of thought and bandage head is a bit peeved, though she says that what she's saying is a compliment... she finishes by saying that for being the way he is makes him dependable
- ume doesn't really like nina and uses her doll to put a curse on her. mikan agrees with nina though... when kiric is putting the book back, mikan notices that he put it back upside down... bandage head guy remarks that even though kiric can keep a cool head with a-t... his heart/feeling cannot (he's just as anxious as the others)
- nike is singing a little tune as he comes up to rika... he figures that she must be bored and he has something to help with that... pulling out his player, he opens a file with images of simca... and rika is dumbfounded and wonders why he's even bothering to show her that. nike is embarrassed that he pulled up the wrong file and quickly pulls up the correct footage, which is ikki facing nue. nike states its merely a test, and that she shouldn't hate sora because she was necessary in making koga take this seriously... rika believes him and requests to be released then. (omg she was tricked into believing that sora is still a good guy!! she's so dumb...)
- rika asks what they'll do if koga passes this test... nike says that they will annihilate all of koga... this confuses rika because she says that he just said its a test. nike falls over laughing at that and clarifies that the test is being done with 58 grav kids on board this ship... this shocks rika since she knows the level of skill for grav kids...
- sora is done with whatever he was doing with his legs and pyon is being a suck up on the matter... sora is still fully confident in his own victory.А ещё можно почтитать моих домыслов и выводов.Нина! Вот как зовут эту прелесть в экзоскелете ^__^ Остался один без имени...
Рика ввела в каплю. То ли гармональный дисбаланс из-за беременности заставляет её необъяснимо сильно и непоколебимо любить Сору (бывает такое ага, так девушки и выходят замуж за всяких уродов), то ли она куда тупее, чем кажется с первого взгляда. Я очень надеюсь на что-то вроде первого, т.к. иначе я не знаю, какой такой гармональный дисбаланс происходит у Килика, чтобы он мог так долго питать нежные чувства к подобной женщине. (хотя моё мнение в подобных вопросах может быть ошибочно и черезчур логично)
Про Килика... Как веловек, посмотревший 6 сезонов Доктора Хауса, я никак не могу заставить себя думать, что кровь из носа без повода и поставленная кверх ногами на полку книга - это не какая-то страшная гадость, заготовленная нам автором. Особенно зная, как автор любит ничего не рисовать просто так. Но мой оптимизм уверяет, что скорее всего это просто повод показать, насколько же сильно он на самом деле волнуется.
А по-хорошему я, как и многие, в священном негодовании: недельный перерыв ради главы в 14 страниц без единого разворота, да ещё и с кучей болтовни о том, что мы и так как бы уже давно знаем о___0""" Я очень-очень надеюсь, что ему просто надо было подготовить 28-й том к релизу и на следующей неделе он вернётся с красивой, масштабной главой-боёвкой.
Аригато, что выложила))
Килик Т___Т
Килик... мдя >_< А до Рики всё-таки по ходу наконец-то дошло, что вообще тут происходит.
Эх, не понимаю, чего Грейт такого задумал.... Не зряж так. Мне Рика до этого казалась вполне понимающей и зрелой (? в плане, уже не маленькой)....
Предлагаю такое развитие событий: Икки отымеет Нике, притащит регалию Килику и Килик всех остальных порвёт :3
Всё, я буду свято верить в это, и больше читать не буду XD