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#: Come on, let's go girls!!
blue txt: Start the mission to revive the storm regalia!
#: If you keep hanging around here doing nothing, you'll become old ladies before you know it!!
#: Yes, president!!
#: We need to reach the "core" this carrier as quickly as possible and get start the preparations. Ikki-kun is waiting for us to bring him the regalia!
#: Ringo-kun!! I won't tell you not to worry, but don't worry!!
//: Humans are much better at standing still in one place than moving forward!!
#: President...
#: And in such times, back in my country, we laugh it away while saying this...
//: *ahem*
#: "You damn rocks who shot at Ringo-kun... Get ready, cos you're heading to Afghanistan...!!"
//: "And don't think you'll be coming back alive!"
#: Ahh... umm... I appreciate your concern, but calm down a little...
#: He's not kidding, is he?
#: I wonder if we'll be alright... putting such a dangerous joke at the start of the book...
in blue: Even of you're in gloomy water, light will still pour in.
#: That's, I am~~
#: Acrab's...
#: WAHH!?
#: Hey!
//: I'm not the that you're supposed to sting! You're meant to wait in front of a hatch and attack intruders...
#: Wait! Where do you think you're going!? You have an important role... wahh!!
#: Princess Sarome.
#: I don't think that the thing you need to do now
//: is set up booby traps to defeat the opponent.
outside: Let it go.
#: I'm sure that Sora-dono is watching you from somewhere... even now...
#: Show him your AT skills...
bg: Why did you throw it at me, you stupid kid!!
#: Addajaja-san of Great Fortune!!
TL note - It says "Cygnus" in Japanese under "Addajaja".
//: Watch my fight!
#: Even if that guy with the slit eyes watches me,
#: there's no way he would understand a thing about me!!
#: I...
#: Imagine~~
#: I found
#: the source of the naked body~
outside1: Anyways,
outside2: Sasori's had enough...
#: As I thought... He sniffed his way towards us...
//: Jiji!! What happened to your nose!? What kind of joke is that!?
#: You little...
But anyways... that is some amazing sense of smell...!! I guess it means that his powers even match that of Kilik's when he's up against women...
#: "Ikhwan al-Safa"
TL note - The Japanese of this line literally says: "The Brethren of Sincerity,"
//: "bestow my heart with an indestructible sword"
#: I am Scherasazade Sarome of the "armillary sphere"!!
//: Here I go~~!!
#: ...!? What...!?
#: I'm not the one... fighting...
#: Hmph... Getting old, huh...?
//: I would've wanted to fight with you when you were fifty years younger...!!
#: W-Wait a minute!!
//: Even if you're too scared to fight against me, don't you think it's a little unfair to bully the elderly!?
#: Or rather,
//: how dare you lay a finger on my grandpa!
#: I'm gonna kill you, pig!
#: Ahh... what?
#: You were the "king"?
small: Oh my...
//: ...sorry, dude.
#: Huh!?
#: I mean... Aren't you even weaker than this old guy?
#: I thought for sure you were just some tag along...
#: That pig can really tell!?
#: His eye for women really is the best in the world!!
#: ...
//: What do you mean...?
#: Sarome
#: isn't a "gravity child".
#: She's the grandchild or great-grandchild of a rich Arab who invested in our "project".
#: Well... she's a weird kid~~
//: She was the one who said "treat me as if I was one of the gravity children" and forced herself onto the ship.
#: Al Kalb al Asghar
TL note - The Japanese of this line literally says: "From the alpha star of Canis Minor,"
#: Ras al Jarshee
TL note - The Japanese of this line literally says: "to alpha star of Hercules,"
#: Extend!
#: Thorns of the stars!!
#: That trick... she's the "thorn"...?
//: Well, she has good sense, but...
#: Didn't I say so? ...There are six "kings" of Genesis...
#: Chimera of "thunder",
#: Alexander of the "flame",
#: Orca of the "fang",
#: Arthur of "rumble",
#: Me... with "gem", and
#: Simca, of "pledge",
//: which makes six.
#: That kid is different.
#: She herself says she what's to be the "thorn queen" no matter what we say,
//: and well... we also have to respect sponsors, you know...
outside: Jeez, she's so selfish...
#: You really have bad tastes! ...this is such a meaningless battle...
#: ...Hurry up and stop them!!
#: Rika...
//: This "thing" you're sitting on...
#: Do you know... what it is?
#: Look... see over there? That guy that looks like the captain...
#: We used this to fiddle with his brain a little so that he'll do whatever we say...
#: This is a brainwashing machine.
#: When I was small...
#: In Japan, where the only time I went was with my grandfather,
#: I just happened to see an AT battle.
#: It was so beautiful.
#: You
#: still don't get it, Rika...?
//: You're much dumber than I thought.
#: I thought... "I want to be like that too".
#: She was like...
#: Addajaja
TL note - It says "Cygnus" in Japanese under "Addajaja".
#: of freedom and happiness.
#: Win...
#: I need to... become the queen...
#: I need to win...
//: That person's...
#: White wings...
#: That girl... realised after looking at the special file for sponsors,
//: about how you were brought the the ship,
#: and the real reason behind it.
#: The appropriate thorn queen for Genesis... is right here...
#: it's you, Rika.
#: Huh?
//: Ueahh! Look at that!
#: She's totally naked!
txt: In order to protect the person she admires, a girl risks her life and aims to become the thorn queen...!!
~To be continued.
A special article starts on the next page!
sorry, no time to translate these
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